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Occupational Therapy

Our team of pediatric occupational therapists specializes in helping children develop the skills they need to participate in daily activities and reach their full potential.  The role of a pediatric occupational therapist is to assess each child's strengths and weaknesses in the areas of fine motor, gross motor, sensory processing, visual motor integration, play skills, cognition, social emotional and feeding.

How we can help


Activities of Daily Living

Pediatric occupational therapists (OTs) specialize in assisting children with activities of daily living, fostering independence and skill development. Through tailored interventions, OTs address challenges related to fine and gross motor skills, sensory processing, and coordination that may impact a child's ability to perform daily tasks like dressing, grooming, and feeding. By implementing therapeutic strategies and engaging activities, pediatric OTs empower children to navigate their daily routines with greater ease, promoting both physical and emotional well-being.


Fine and Visual Motor Skills

Pediatric occupational therapists (OTs) play a crucial role in supporting children's fine and visual motor skills, addressing challenges that may impact activities such as writing, drawing, and manipulating objects. Through targeted interventions, OTs focus on developing hand-eye coordination, precision, and dexterity, enabling children to perform tasks like using utensils, tying shoelaces, and completing academic assignments with greater ease. The tailored strategies employed by pediatric OTs contribute to the enhancement of fine and visual motor skills, promoting overall independence and success in various aspects of a child's daily life.


Sensory Regulation

Pediatric occupational therapists (OTs) specialize in supporting children's sensory regulation by addressing challenges related to sensory processing. Through targeted interventions, OTs work to help children develop appropriate responses to sensory stimuli, improving their ability to self-regulate in various environments. By creating personalized sensory strategies and activities, pediatric OTs contribute to fostering a child's emotional well-being and adaptive behaviors, enhancing their overall sensory processing and regulation skills.


Executive Functioning

Pediatric occupational therapists (OTs) play a vital role in supporting children's executive functioning skills, which encompass abilities like planning, organizing, and regulating behavior. Through targeted interventions, OTs work with children to develop cognitive processes essential for successful daily tasks, such as time management, problem-solving, and goal-setting. By employing therapeutic strategies and engaging activities, pediatric OTs contribute to the enhancement of executive functioning, empowering children to navigate challenges and achieve greater independence in their daily lives.


Sensory Feeding

Pediatric occupational therapists (OTs) specializing in sensory feeding support children who face challenges related to the sensory aspects of eating and feeding. These therapists address issues such as aversions to certain textures, tastes, or smells, helping children develop tolerance and acceptance of a variety of foods. By implementing personalized sensory strategies and desensitization techniques, pediatric OTs contribute to creating positive and enjoyable feeding experiences for children, promoting healthy eating habits and overall well-being.


Improved Behavior

Pediatric occupational therapists (OTs) play a crucial role in supporting children's behavior by addressing underlying sensory and motor challenges that may contribute to behavioral difficulties. Through targeted interventions, OTs help children develop self-regulation strategies, coping mechanisms, and social skills, fostering positive behavior and emotional well-being. By tailoring therapeutic approaches to each child's unique needs, pediatric OTs contribute to creating an environment that supports healthy behaviors and facilitates successful interactions at home, school, and in various social settings.

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