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Why Early Intervention is important:


Social Skills

Early Intervention helps children develop strong social-emotional skills when interacting with their parents, other adults, and their peers.


They learn skills regarding how to play functionally with toys.  They also learn how to share, take turns and interact/engage in social situations.

Improves Communication

Early Intervention utilizes a Total Communication' approach to help children develop skills and strategies to communicate. 

 Total communication accepts any of the following as a way of communicating: words, gestures, symbols and signs to meet their needs.


Children first begin by learning the purpose and function of communication which we call Communicative Intent.


Parent & Child Relationships

Early intervention helps families and children communicate more effectively by aiding parents in better understanding their child's thoughts, feelings, wants and needs.


This often reduces frustration/aggression, communication breakdowns and having to imply the child's needs on a daily basis.

Improves Development

Earlier is better: The earlier that children begin therapy, the less likely they will need to receive continued services later on.


Early intervention helps create change in children's developmental path to help improve outcomes in school, the workplace, and the community.

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